The number of legal prostitutes in Tijuana has Doubled in just 4 years
According to Bordelero, the number of sex offenders officially registered in city registries has nearly doubled in the last four years. Considering that legal from sites like Pander in Tijuana are a tourist attraction of the city and attract tourists to local restaurants, the increase in the number of legal prostitutes has led to increased financial expenses in the city’s budget.
Tijuana Sex Services Brief Statistics
In early 2020, the city’s sex worker registration office issued more than 4,400 licenses to women planning to work as escorts in Tijuana. It is said that more than 10,000 licenses have been issued so far to search for boys and girls. This is a huge development in Mexico City despite the need for tourism.
However the head of the city’s health department says these figures do not give an accurate picture, as there are still many people choosing to work in the shade. Some prostitutes in Tijuana are still reluctant to talk openly about their sexual activities and choose not to indicate their intention to provide sexual services. That is why the actual number of escorts in Tijuana is very high and can reach up to 30,000. Since the city is known abroad for its professionals, public figures, including representatives of the city’s tourism department, are calling for the promotion of prostitution and the registration of moths.
Activities of the Tijuana Department of Health and Sexual Services
While the city’s health department is not directly involved in prostitution, it is responsible for monitoring where escorts licenses are posted and where prostitutes comply with life laws. Representatives of this department even ensure that all Tijuana escorts are registered and follow protocols and guidelines.
Legalizing prostitutes in Tijuana is the best solution to control the illegal industry and help reduce the problems of exploitation and human trafficking. Therefore, the government is trying to encourage all members of the erotic industry to comply with the law. For example, in a recent operation to monitor and detect illegal prostitutes, 27 women working without a license in the suburbs of Tijuana were detained before being found by guards while they searched for partners on the street or through a special website.
According to the city’s mayor, previously all sex activity in Tijuana was concentrated in an area of the city called tolerance, but now you can find prostitutes in a single area, including the historical centre.
This is due to the migration of young women from neighbouring countries: Colombian and Venezuelan prostitutes who regularly come to Mexico to earn money. After working for several years, some foreign prostitutes choose to stay in the city, while other expats do not stop coming – which is why the number of escorts in Tijuana and other major cities is constantly increasing.
For this reason, the Ministry of Health encourages everyone to register publicly in order to benefit from legal and labour rights and freedoms. Social Security benefits and retirement savings are also available for legal status. That’s why many call girls want to register as soon as possible. Authorities say prostitutes in Tijuana are citizens like the rest of us, and they need to be listened to and protected.